Learn to work with your powerful energies to unblock and manifest your goals and dreams Ca’rynaCarj’an book, “LET’S BE CLEAR,”
will take you on a journey of discovery and healing by unblocking your energy centers through simple exercises to open your divine energy flow
to abundance, joy and a healthier life.
I know this because I have completed her program 'Leaders and Changers of Purpose" which follows these same exercises and my energy vibrations have significantly positively enhanced my life.
If you are ready to get “unstuck” or if you want to
increase your vibrations as I did,
I highly recommend this book. Why?
Because, if you follow the exercises and journal your experiences
you will be amazed at how your ENERGY INCREASES!•
Change takes practice and time, are you ready?•
Do you feel frustrated or stuck?•
Do you want to be excited, wowed?
If you answered YES to these questions then
“ LET’S BE CLEAR,” is the book for you!!
Sandy Skaar, MSW Heartfelt Coaching 333* * *
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